Cautari 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Cuvinte cheie:
1b3wks 176109 6397-1 751383 1052-v726rb 1686 1101-5uprev 1421/7e2ymz 16487863651219254 1972hnwjdv 1541-gx6ymw 1462786060-1264005 152661 383334 1811-45uuwc 1 mai 1562-96jcpc 13831264081540322 1691-tqycjs 1711-y1suir 1309661161228701 1151af0694 198e20 17872c 100 litri 184xfs 102494934 180310 604-1 995533 10229001600312 1109127320491 102670043102520200013 113682179071 1611087084760 1016800351680200205 10056003200463 111986724900 11693881693 113570678886 1621830000562 122107qs9 1501696235-1267652 19827963271499561 1301-m3ypri 14807597003552296 11004729001824316 1081-24pbm4 12803385003002810 11448s88004989273 1032516418-1249556 1104772900136671 1110712702 1jj6n 1 15 15 iunie 2002 1972 128223 6368-1 864269 17rrl1 1533456040-1115304 1sqmod 1943466290-1 956541 1121806362-1457897 1613366205-1588151 1967936386-1338464 1694516055-1249808 11527461571662353 180456962 1qlgwd 13mmt6 128450-576949 1c8ath 1c12ly 1hyjyo 17mbze 13964100765 1v1fuk 14435861381650979 19g1ae 10nr40 1619306188-1 745448 132231109826 1 tbsp 1 cup measure 1 ou 10 tbsp butter 1 lingurita de bicarbonat sodiu ml suc lamai 1912 pastele ortodox 10000 de ani 130 statui de daci 10 porunci ale lui dumnezeu 1 iunie ziua internationala copilului 1 iunie ziua copiilor 2012 1.2 1 kg de malt orz 1 kg ceapa pulpe de pui patrunjel ulei ardei
Coacazele si viata !
Mici, parfumate, acrisoare, si pline de vitamine – astfel s-ar putea rezuma descrierea coacazelor negre. Excelente depurative, vitaminizante, imunostimulatoare, aceste fructe au fost considerate drept un elixir al tineretii, medicament natural, cu proprietati multiple pentru organism. si totusi, care este secretul lor?
Ce substante nutritive contin coacazele negre?
Marele atu al coacazelor il constituie cantitatea mare de vitamina C (de trei pana la patru ori mai mare decat la portocale), de antioxidanti (de doua ori mai mare decat la afine), plus dublul cantitatii de potasiu din banane. Contin de asemenea vitaminele A, B1, B2, B6, PP, microelemente precum calciu, fosfor, fier, brom, zinc, antociani, taninuri, flavonoizi, betacaroten, pectina, acizi organici si uleiuri volatile.
Cand pot introduce coacazele in alimentatia copilului meu?
Coacazele sunt recomandate pentru a fi introduse in alimentatia diversificata a bebelusului incepand cu varsta de 1 an. La fel ca pentru fiecare aliment nou pe care il oferiti micutului, nu uitati sa cereti sfatul medicului curant si sa urmati regula celor 4 zile.
Morometii modernizat
Filmul a fost prezentat la cea de zecea Gala a Premiilor Gopo, care a avut loc luni seara, si este o parodie a filmului din 1987. Victor Rebengiuc il portretizeaza si de aceasta data pe Ilie Moromete.
Filmul ne prezinta cum s-ar desfasura actiunea din romanul lui Marin Preda in zilele noastre.
Trei pastori
Trei pastori se intalnira
Si asa se sfatuira
Raza soarelui
Floarea Soarelui
Vezi clipul video: Trei Pastori
trei pastori colinda colinde romanesti
Un film despre Romania de altadata.
viral media video romania altadata
Romania de altadata.
Bancul zilei: Telefonul
Ion, somnoros:
- Raspunde si, daca e pentru mine, spune-i ca nu sunt acasa.
Maria raspunde la telefon si spune: "E acasa!"
Ion, suparat:
- Ce ti-am zis eu, Marie, sa spui?
- Pai era pentru mine.
Travel Channel Wild Carpathia I HD Episodul 1
Travel Channel Wild Carpathia I HD Episodul 1
Charlie Ottley ventures deep into the breath-taking but little known mountains and forests of Carpathia. Home to bears, wolves and the elusive lynx, this is perhaps the last great wilderness in Europe, seen as never before. Charlie provides a unique insight into the scenic beauty and rich culture of the region, exploring its chequered history from the mystical ruins of the ancient Dacian civilisations to its medieval communities, the heritage of which survives intact to this day. In his quest to find remote villages, cross mountains and spot bears in the wild, Charlie meets a range of colourful characters including shepherds, artists, eco-warriors, craftsmen, trackers, even a Count. Wild Carpathia captures the fragile majesty of a unique eco-system and show why it deserves to be preserved in all its glory for the benefit of future generations.
Wild Carpathia is a stunning documentary about a little-known part of Europe. Romania has a huge virtually-untouched area of mountains almost the size of Britain. It is the heavily-forested home to some of Europe's most exciting species, including alpine Chamois, and particularly large carnivores like Brown Bears, Wolves and the elusive Lynx. Much of the area is a time-capsule with an almost-medieval life-style.
Wild Carpathia takes you deep into these Transylvania forests and mountains. Presented by Charlie Ottley, it follows his quest to find remote villages, cross mountains and spot bears in the wild. During this journey he meets a dedicated group of individuals whose passion for this area is helping to redefine its importance as one of the great surviving wonders of the natural world. These include a Transylvanian Count, who is working to conserve some of the most ancient of Carpathia's medieval villages and HRH The Prince of Wales, who can trace his ancestry back to Romania's dark and distant past.