prajituri fine de paste
500 g purchased lasagna noodles
2 tbsp oil
Boil pasta according to directions on package, adding oil so that the noodles will not glue to each other.
Do not overcook. Drain.
1 lb fresh italian sausage
1 1/2 lb veal ground meat
3/4 lb ricotta
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 ball of mozzarella, sliced
200 g parmesan, freshly grated
1 onion, chopped
some celery, chopped
2 tbsp butter
2 cans peeled tomatoes,strained
1 small can of tomato paste
1 glass white wine
Lasagna repepies how to make lasagna reteta lasagna in engleza lasania in engleza retete in engleza retete italiene in engleza prajituri fine de paste
Blender soup
1 lb frozen mixed vegetables
1/2 onion
1 tsp tomato paste
2 potatoes, diced
2 q water
2 tbsp olive oil
2 beef or chicken cubes
1/2 tbsp butter
1/2 cup rice (optional)
grated parmesan cheese
Blender soup repepies italian recippies retete italiene in limba engleza passato di verdura reteta reteta ciorba de verdeata ciorbe englezesti ciorbe italiene prajituri fine de paste
Spaghetti with clams
400 g linguini or spaghetti
1 can small clams
1 can peeled tomatoes
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp oregano
1/2 cup white wine
1/4 tsp crushed chilies
Spaghetti with clams recipes retete spaghete in engleza spahete cu scoici in engleza reteta paste cu scoici reteta vongole prajituri fine de paste
Spicy Pasta
1 medium onion
1 clove garlic
4 oz bacon or pancetta
generous 1 lb ripe tomatoes (or 14 oz canned)
12 oz rigged penne (quills)
1 red chili pepper
1/4 cup grated Pecorino cheese
Spicy Pasta recipes reteta paste in engleza penne in engleza reteta pene in engleza pene cu mozzarella in engleza macaroane cu carne prajituri fine de paste
Beef stew with patatoes
2 lb beef stew meat
4 tbsp oil
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 can peeled tomatoes
2 lb potatoes, diced
Beef stew with patatoes recipes ciorba de vacuta reteta reteta ciorba vacuta in engleza vacuta in engleza preparate din vita in engleza ciorba de cartofi cu tarhon prajituri fine de paste
Meat Pizza Style
Various types of meat are suitable for this dish: pork chops or veal chops or beef
sirloin or round. In all cases consider 1/2 lb per person, not including the bone.
2 tbsp oil
2 garlic cloves, chopped fine
1 cup peeled tomatoes
1 tsp oregano
a sprinkling of olive oil
Meat Pizza Style ingredients recipes pizza retete pizza in engleza blat de pizza in engleza umplutura pizza toping pizza in engleza reteta sosuri pizza prajituri fine de paste
4-6 veal shanks, cut 1 1/2" thick
3 tbsp oil
1/2 onion, chopped
1 carrot, chopped
1 celery leaf, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 piece orange peel
1/2 cup dry white wine
3 tbsp tomato paste
5 cups chicken broth
Ossobuco recipes; preparare mancare din vitel in engleza reteta sos pentru orez sosuri in limba engleza sos tomat in limba engleza prajituri fine de paste
Venetian liver
1 1/2 lb veal or baby beef liver, sliced about 1/4" thick
1 medium onion
4 tbsp oil
Venetian liver recipes preparate din ficat retete pentru copii ficat retete ficat in engleza ficat in limba engleza reteta ficat cu ceapa ficat cu ceapa in limba engleza prajituri fine de paste
Prajitura cu iaurt
3 cesti cu faina, 1lingurita drojdie, 1 ceasca margarina cu aroma de vaniIie, 1 ceasca zahar, 4 oua, 1 ceasca iaurt, ceasca migdale zdrobite. Pentru sirop: 2 cesti zahar, 1 ceasca apa.
Prajitura cu iaurt desert usor desert cu iaurt iaurt in prajitura reteta prajitura cu iaurt prepararea prajiturii cu iaurt prajituri cu jogurt prajituri fine de paste
Piure de cartofi cu hrean si ficatei de pui
Un kg cartofi, doua cepe, doua bucati hrean
1/2 kg ficatei de pui, ulei, sare, piper, 2 catei usturoi
Piure de cartofi cu hrean si ficatei pui retete de piure piure cu ficat mancare cu ficat ficat pentru copii felu doi cu ficat ficat cu ceapa ficat de pui preparat ficat cu hrean retete cu hrean prajituri fine de paste